Bazel Reference

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My cheat sheet for Bazel covering useful resources and FAQs.



Use bazelisk, which is a:

brew install bazelisk

Note: on installation via homebrew, both bazelisk and bazel are added to $PATH resolving to the bazelisk binary.


bazel query

See all targets in package:

bazel query //...

bazel test

Run all test targets:

bazel test //...

bazel clean

Remove Bazel-created outputs:

bazel clean

Remove the entire working tree created by a Bazel instance:

bazel clean --expunge


bazel run //:gazelle



bazel run @rules_go//go -- version


Use the bazel-managed pnpm:

bazel run @pnpm//:pnpm -- [OPTIONS, COMMAND, ARGS]

For a package at $PWD:

bazel run @pnpm//:pnpm -- --dir $PWD [OPTIONS, COMMAND, ARGS]

For the workspace:

bazel run @pnpm//:pnpm -- --workspace-root [OPTIONS, COMMAND, ARGS]

Options and commands at pnpm reference doc.


brew install ibazel

Bazel Terminology

alias for the main repository
BUILD file
the main configuration file that tells Bazel what software outputs to build, what their dependencies are, and how to build them
file which identifies the directory and its contents as a Bazel workspace and lives at the root of the project's directory structure
the lowest level composable unit in the build system
Action Query; command to query for actions in your build graph. operates on the post-analysis Configured Target Graph
boundary marker file
one of MODULE.bazel, REPO.bazel, WORKSPACE, or WORKSPACE.bazel
build dependency graph / target graph
Configurable Query; command to query over the configured target graph
direct dependency
targets that are reachable through a path of length 1 in the build dependency graph
incremental build
a build executed where only some dependencies are rebuilt
represents a target specifying a buildable unit; used interchangeably with target
null build
a build executed where the target and all its dependencies are already up to date
the unit of code organization within a repository; the set of targets defined by a BUILD file; identified by the BUILD file's relative path to the workspace root; a container of targets
repository cache
the content-addressed cache for the remote downloader
the definition of a series of actions and inputs
a buildable unit of a workspace; an object defined in a BUILD file; declared by instantiating a rule; the what of what to build
target graph
another name for the build dependency graph
transitive dependency
targets that are reachable through a path of any length in the build dependency graph
a directory that holds your project's source files and Bazel's build outputs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I generate a BUILD file as part of the build?

No because bazel needs all dependend-on files to exist during load time. Look into bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle.

More info:

How do I specify which bazel version to use? How do I use different bazel versions per-project?

Via .bazelversion; e.g.:

$ cat .bazelversion

or through other means.

How do I pronounce “bzlmod”?

Possibly as: “BEE ZEE EL mod”
