Performant npm (pnpm) Reference

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )


Selected Commands and Options

Common options:

-C [path], --dir [path] run as if pnpm was started in [path] instead of the current directory
-w, --workspace-root Run as if pnpm was started in the root of the workspace instead of the current working directory

pnpm add

Installs a package and any packages that it depends on.


pnpm add <name>
pnpm add <name>@<tag>
pnpm add <name>@<version>
pnpm add <name>@<version range>
pnpm add <git host>:<git user>/<repo name>
pnpm add <git repo url>
pnpm add <tarball file>
pnpm add <tarball url>
pnpm add <dir>


      --[no-]color                    Controls colors in the output. By default, output is always colored when it goes
                                      directly to a terminal
  -E, --[no-]save-exact               Install exact version
      --[no-]save-workspace-protocol  Save packages from the workspace with a "workspace:" protocol. True by default
      --aggregate-output              Aggregate output from child processes that are run in parallel, and only print
                                      output when child process is finished. It makes reading large logs after running
                                      `pnpm recursive` with `--parallel` or with `--workspace-concurrency` much easier
                                      (especially on CI). Only `--reporter=append-only` is supported.
  -C, --dir <dir>                     Change to directory <dir> (default:
  -g, --global                        Install as a global package
      --global-dir                    Specify a custom directory to store global packages
  -h, --help                          Output usage information
      --ignore-scripts                Don't run lifecycle scripts
      --loglevel <level>              What level of logs to report. Any logs at or higher than the given level will be
                                      shown. Levels (lowest to highest): debug, info, warn, error. Or use "--silent" to
                                      turn off all logging.
      --offline                       Trigger an error if any required dependencies are not available in local store
      --prefer-offline                Skip staleness checks for cached data, but request missing data from the server
  -r, --recursive                     Run installation recursively in every package found in subdirectories or in every
                                      workspace package, when executed inside a workspace. For options that may be used
                                      with `-r`, see "pnpm help recursive"
  -D, --save-dev                      Save package to your `devDependencies`
  -O, --save-optional                 Save package to your `optionalDependencies`
      --save-peer                     Save package to your `peerDependencies` and `devDependencies`
  -P, --save-prod                     Save package to your `dependencies`. The default behavior
      --store-dir <dir>               The directory in which all the packages are saved on the disk
      --stream                        Stream output from child processes immediately, prefixed with the originating
                                      package directory. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.
      --use-stderr                    Divert all output to stderr
      --virtual-store-dir <dir>       The directory with links to the store (default is node_modules/.pnpm). All direct
                                      and indirect dependencies of the project are linked into this directory
      --workspace                     Only adds the new dependency if it is found in the workspace
  -w, --workspace-root                Run the command on the root workspace project

Filtering options:

      --changed-files-ignore-pattern <pattern>  Defines files to ignore when filtering for changed projects since the
                                                specified commit/branch. Usage example: pnpm
                                                --changed-files-ignore-pattern="**/" build
      --filter !<selector>                      If a selector starts with ! (or \! in zsh), it means the packages
                                                matching the selector must be excluded. E.g., "pnpm --filter !foo"
                                                selects all packages except "foo"
      --filter .                                Includes all packages that are under the current working directory
      --filter ...^<pattern>                    Includes only the direct and indirect dependents of the matched
                                                packages without including the matched packages themselves. ^ must be
                                                doubled at the Windows Command Prompt. E.g.: ...^foo (...^^foo in
                                                Command Prompt)
      --filter ...<pattern>                     Includes all direct and indirect dependents of the matched packages.
                                                E.g.:, "...@bar/*"
      --filter ./<dir>                          Includes all packages that are inside a given subdirectory. E.g.:
      --filter "[<since>]"                      Includes all packages changed since the specified commit/branch. E.g.:
                                                "[master]", "[HEAD~2]". It may be used together with "...". So, for
                                                instance, "...[HEAD~1]" selects all packages changed in the last commit
                                                and their dependents
      --filter {<dir>}                          Includes all projects that are under the specified directory. It may be
                                                used with "..." to select dependents/dependencies as well. It also may
                                                be combined with "[<since>]". For instance, all changed projects inside
                                                a directory: "{packages}[origin/master]"
      --filter <pattern>                        Restricts the scope to package names matching the given pattern. E.g.:
                                                foo, "@bar/*"
      --filter <pattern>...                     Includes all direct and indirect dependencies of the matched packages.
                                                E.g.: foo...
      --filter <pattern>^...                    Includes only the direct and indirect dependencies of the matched
                                                packages without including the matched packages themselves. ^ must be
                                                doubled at the Windows Command Prompt. E.g.: foo^... (foo^^... in
                                                Command Prompt)
      --filter-prod <pattern>                   Restricts the scope to package names matching the given pattern similar
                                                to --filter, but it ignores devDependencies when searching for
                                                dependencies and dependents.
      --test-pattern <pattern>                  Defines files related to tests. Useful with the changed since filter.
                                                When selecting only changed packages and their dependent packages, the
                                                dependent packages will be ignored in case a package has changes only
                                                in tests. Usage example: pnpm --filter="...[origin/master]"
                                                --test-pattern="test/*" test

pnpm install

--lockfile-only Only pnpm-lock.yaml is updated

pnpm list

pnpm update

Updates packages to their latest version based on the specified range. Used to upgrade and downgrade packages. When used without arguments, updates all dependencies.

--recursive, -r
