Unix Reference
Kip Landergren
(Updated: )
My cheat sheet for working with Unix-like operating systems covering utilities, shell builtins, and frequently asked questions.
- Unix Utilities
- Other Programs
- Shell builtins
- Shell Techniques
- Exit Codes
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Unix Utilities
Note: the following refer to BSD variants unless otherwise noted.
Write arguments to standard output.
$ echo 'hello world'
hello world
$ echo -n 'hello world'
hello world$
$ echo 'hello\nworld'
$ echo -e 'hello\nworld'
Determine file type.
% file foo
foo: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=redacted, stripped
find [options] [path ...] [expression]
Walk a file hierarchy specified by one or more path arguments. Recursively descend each path and evaluate expression on each file. The evaluation of the expression typically determines whether or not to print the file.
An expression is composed of primaries and operators.
- group conditions within an expression with escaped parentheses (e.g. finding paths of type file that have one of many possible extensions—see example below)
- use
in combination withxargs -0
for escaping output paths with ASCII NUL character
-X |
for use with xargs ; warns and skips files containing delimiting characters |
-print |
always evaluates to true, printing the pathname of the current file to stdout. If none of -exec , -ls , -print , -print0 , or -ok is specified, the given expression shall be effectively replaced by ( given expression ) -print . |
-print0 |
always evaluates to true, printing the pathname of the current file to stdout followed by an ASCII NUL character (character code 0). For use with xargs -0 . |
-prune |
causes find to not descend into the current file; always evaluates to true |
-type t |
true if the file is of type t . file type options: - b - block special - c - character special - d - directory - f - file - l - symbolic link - p - FIFO - s - socket |
-depth n |
true if the depth of the file relative to the starting point is equal to n |
-a / -and |
the logical AND operator |
-o / -or |
the logical OR operator |
Grouping Multiple Conditions
$ find . -type f \
-and \( \
-name '*.html' \
-or -name '*.css' \
-or -name '*.ico' \
-or -name '*.map' \
-or -name '*.js' \
-or -name '*.json' \
-or -name '*.xml' \
-or -name '*.txt' \
-or -name '*.svg' \
Printing files
Print all files in the current directory’s hierarchy, excluding excluded-path and every file underneath excluded-path:
$ find . -path ./excluded-path -prune -or -print
- recursively descend into . and evaluate the expression (-path ./excluded-path -prune -or -print) on every pathname:
- -path ./excluded-path returns:
- true if the pathname matches ./excluded-path
- false if the pathname does not match
- if true was returned, evaluate -prune, which tells
not to descend into that pathname, excluding it and all contained files, and returns true, stopping expression evaluation. The next pathname is recursively chosen. - if false, evaluate the -or side of the expression
- -print prints the pathname and evaluates to true
- The next pathname is recursively chosen.
- -path ./excluded-path returns:
file pattern searcher
Recursively search all subdirectories and files:
$ grep -r 'pattern' /path/to/dir
gzip, gunzip, zcat, gzcat
View text file contents, paginated, without reading the whole file.
h | display a help summary of less commands |
q | exit; quit |
e or j | forward 1 line |
y or k | backward 1 line |
f | forward 1 window |
b | backward 1 window |
d | forward 1 half-window |
u | backward 1 half-window |
/pattern | Search forward for matching line |
?pattern | Search backward for matching line |
&pattern | filter file for lines matching pattern; supply empty pattern and hit ↵ Enter to exit |
n | next match |
N | previous match |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to exit &pattern?
- type & again, with no input
- hit ↵ Enter
make links
Best Practices
- use relative symbolic links
- create relative symbolic links from the directory which the link will live
$ ln -s ../path/to/foo foo
List directory contents.
$ ls
my-directory my-fifo my-symbolic_link
my-executable my-normal-file
List contents, distinguishing each by special trailing character:
$ ls -F
my-directory/ my-fifo| my-symbolic_link@
my-executable* my-normal-file
List contents, distinguishing each by special trailing character, each on its own line:
$ ls -F1
Format and display the system’s on-line manual pages.
pager | less -is |
Manual Sections
1 | User Commands |
2 | System Calls |
3 | C Library Functions |
4 | Devices and Special Files |
5 | File Formats and Conventions |
6 | Games et al. |
7 | Miscellanea |
8 | System Administration tools and Deamons |
Search the system’s whatis database for strings matching the provided pattern:
$ man -k '^intro'
intro(1) - introduction to general commands (tools and utilities)
intro(2) - introduction to system calls and error numbers
intro(3) - introduction to the C libraries
intro(5) - introduction to file formats
intro(7) - miscellaneous information pages
intro(8) - introduction to system maintenance procedures and commands
intro(9) - introduction to system kernel interfaces
$ man intro
$ man 1 intro
$ man 2 intro
Frequently Asked Questions
What do the numbers mean after unix commands? What does the (1) mean in git(1)?
The number refers to the section of the manual, described above. In the case of git(1), the (1) indicates that this refers to git
the user command. This disambiguation is useful when a string of characters has multiple meanings (e.g. printf
What happens when I type man git?
Depending on your terminal, shell, and operating system:
- the manual for git is located for
- a pager, like
, is called to view the found manual page
How to navigate to links in a man page? How to follow “See Also” links?
When using less
as your pager this is not possible. Other man
page viewers allow this.
Make temporary filenames or directory names.
Make temporary file:
$ echo $TMPDIR
$ mktemp
$ mktemp -t some-prefix
$ mktemp template-string.X
$ mktemp template-string.XX
$ mktemp template-string.XXX
$ mktemp template-string.XXX template-string.XXX
Make temporary directory:
$ echo $TMPDIR
$ mktemp -d
$ mktemp -d -t some-prefix
$ mktemp -d relative-to-current-directory.XXX
Make temporary directory and change directory to it:
$ cd $(mktemp -d relative-to-current-directory.XXX)
rm -rf -- /path/to/delete
Note: the -- is intentional and demarcates the end of options.
Comput and check SHA1 message digest.
$ echo -n 'hello world' | sha1sum
2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed -
$ echo -n 'hello world' > hello-world.txt
$ sha1sum hello-world.txt
2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed hello-world.txt
Display file status.
Display verbose file information:
$ stat -x foo
File: "foo"
Size: 0 FileType: Regular File
Mode: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 501/klandergren) Gid: ( 20/ staff)
Device: 1,4 Inode: 8692341193 Links: 1
Access: Fri Jun 25 11:21:52 2021
Modify: Fri Jun 25 11:21:52 2021
Change: Fri Jun 25 11:21:55 2021
display the last part of a file
Display all but the first line (skip first line; skip n lines):
$ tail -n +1 file.txt
create and manipulate streaming archive files
Compress my-directory to my-archive.tar:
tar -cvf my-archive.tar my-directory
Uncompress my-archive.tar, changing directory to my-directory first (creating my-directory/my-archive, with caveats that you should review the man page for behavior when my-directory/my-archive already exists):
tar -xvf my-archive.tar -C my-directory
word, line, character, and byte count
Count the number of lines:
$ cat foo | wc -l
$ wc -l foo
42 foo
$ wc -l foo bar
42 foo
42 bar
84 total
construct argument list(s) and execute utility
General Structure
xargs -I {} -t sh -c '[COMMAND USING $1]' sh {}
- there is a command length limit of 255 characters
- workaround: using
in combination with a single substitution
- workaround: using
Selected Options
-I replstr | replace one or more occurrences of replstr |
-t | echo command to be executed before executing |
$ find . -type f | xargs -I {} -t sh -c 'echo "$1"' sh {}
sh -c echo "$1" sh ./foo.txt
sh -c echo "$1" sh ./bar.txt
$ find . -type f | xargs -I {} -t sh -c 'echo "$1"; echo "$1"' sh {}
sh -c echo "$1"; echo "$1" sh ./foo.txt
sh -c echo "$1"; echo "$1" sh ./bar.txt
Other Programs
faster, flexible replacement for rcp
delete files at destination:
$ rsync --verbose --archive --human-readable path_src/ path_dest/ --delete
List contents of directories in a tree-like format.
preferred invocation:
- show hidden files
- append a character relative to the type; same as
ls -F
- no report
$ tree -a -F --noreport
├── .hidden-file
├── bar/
│ ├── bar.a
│ └── baz/
│ └── baz.a
└── foo/
└── foo.a
default invocation:
$ tree
├── bar
│ ├── bar.a
│ └── baz
│ └── baz.a
└── foo
└── foo.a
3 directories, 3 files
control depth:
$ tree -a --noreport -L 1
├── .hidden-file
├── bar
└── foo
exclude files that match multiple patterns:
$ tree -a -F --noreport -I 'baz|*.a'
├── .hidden-file
├── bar/
└── foo/
Shell builtins
Determine interpretation of text if the text is used as a command name.
$ type type
type is a shell builtin
$ type -a type
type is a shell builtin
type is /usr/bin/type
Always returns a 0 exit code.
Shell Techniques
Redirection Operators
Non-exhaustive. Full list available in the bash manual chapter for redirections.
> |
redirect output |
>> |
append output |
< |
redirect input |
Process Substitution
Piping the output of multiple processes:
$ diff <(echo -e 'hello\nworld') <(echo -e 'goodbye\nworld')
< hello
> goodbye
Exit Codes
0 | success |
1 | error |
Beware! This is not the same as boolean types:
0 | false |
1 | true |
HUP | |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When to use which vs. type?
Prefer using type
as it is defined in the POSIX specification and which is not. Additionally, prefer type -a
so that you may distinguish all:
$ type -a type
type is a shell builtin
type is /usr/bin/type
How to view the man page for shell builtins?
For bash
$ man bash
$ help builtin
When to use echo vs. printf?
Use echo
- simplicity of use is preferred
Use printf
- a complex format string is needed
- the output begins with a dash (-) character to not conflict with
Why do some command examples have a --?
From bash(1) man page:
A -- signals the end of options and disables further option processing. Any arguments after the -- are treated as filenames and arguments. An argument of - is equivalent to --.
This protects against directories named with a leading dash being interpreted as options.
From the zsh User’s Guide with the following example:
print -- '$foo is "'$foo'"'
First, why did I put
after the print? That's because print, like many UNIX commands, can take options after it which begin with a-
says that there are no more options; so if what you're trying to print begins with a-
, it will still print out. Actually, in this case you can see it doesn't, so you're safe; but it's a good habit to get into, and I wish I had.