Jekyll Reference

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My cheat sheet for Jekyll covering helpful documentation links, terminology, and authoring tips.



Hash access does not support ruby symbols as keys and does not warn. More info in this GitHub issue.



Takes a url and returns the absolute path of the URI:

<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}">



Note: uses the “short name” as first argument.

Generate list of support languages and lexers:

bundle exec rougify list


Official documentation on include usage.

Pull in the contents of $PROJECT_ROOT/_includes/header.html:

{% include header.html %}

Pass variables to an include, referrable inside the include via {{ include.my_variable }}:

{% include my-file.html my_variable="foo" %}

Passing HTML or content containing other variables to an include using capture:

{% capture my_variable %}
Can use {{ page.some_variable }} and <em>can contain</em> HTML
{% endcapture %}
{% include my-file.html my_variable=my_variable bar="bar" %}

More info on this Stack Overflow answer to Passing parameters to inclusion in Liquid templates.

Combine with highlight:

{% highlight xml %}{% include svg/blue-rectangle.svg %}{%- endhighlight -%}


Curly brackets or literal liquid tags can be rendered by wrapping in {% raw %} and {% endraw %}. Example:

{% raw %}
insert any text with ‘{%’ or ‘}}’
{% endraw %}

Supporting Markdown Files

From the docs:

“Jekyll converts Markdown to HTML using the Markdown filter specified in your config file. Files must have a Markdown file extension and front matter in order for Jekyll to convert them.”

Jekyll Terminology

A group of related content. Becomes accessible through site
front matter
YAML region marked by triple dashes (---). Must be first characters in file.
