HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Reference

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My cheat sheet for HyperText Markup Language (HTML) covering entities, authoring tips, and helpful resources.



Reserved Characters

& &
> >
< &lt;
" &quot;

Named Characters

© &copy;

WHATWG official Named Character Reference

Unicode Characters

decimal form &# + nnnn + ;
hexidecimal form &#x + hhhh + ;

Wikipedia’s List of Unicode characters.

Semantics and Structure of HTML Document Structure


An element’s content model describes the content inside the element. Each element also belongs to zero or more content categories that group together elements with similar characteristics.


Element Overview

Text-Level Semantics

<b> (MDN, WHATWG) “bring attention to”, without additional implication; do not use for styling text
<code> (MDN, WHATWG) use when representing a fragment of computer code
<em> (MDN, WHATWG) connote stressed emphasis relative to the surrounding text (e.g. words / phrases that affect meaning of a sentence based on their interpretation
<i> (MDN, WHATWG) set a range of text off from its surrounding text (e.g. technical terms, foreign language phrases, or words pronounced without additional emphasis)
<kbd> (MDN, WHATWG) use when representing text input by the user
<s> (MDN, WHATWG) use for text no longer relevant or no longer accurate; do not use for indicating edits (use <del> or <ins>
<samp> (MDN, WHATWG) use when representing text output by a computer program, such as a message or menu
<small> (MDN, WHATWG) side comment, small print; does not reduce, or connote, text emphasis
<span> (MDN, WHATWG) does not mean anything on its own, but can be combined with attributes to convey wrapped text meaning
<strong> (MDN, WHATWG) indicate importance, seriousness, or urgency
<sub> (MDN, WHATWG) subscript
<sup> (MDN, WHATWG) superscript
<var> (MDN, WHATWG) a variable; can be used in prose, mathematical formulas, or programming content


<input> (MDN, WHATWG) a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data

Frequently Confused

<b> vs. <strong> and <i> vs. <em>

Generally: prefer <strong> and <em>, as they have semantic meaning.

<del> vs. <ins> vs. <strike> vs. <s>

<kbd> vs. <samp> vs. <code>

Generally: use <code> when the containing text may be copied, pasted, and executed as-is



MDN use cases:

WHATWG use cases: