Emacs Reference

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My cheat sheet for emacs covering macOS installation, common keyboard shortcuts, and usage of dired, web-mode, and magit.



For MacOS, I download the appropriate build from Emacs For Mac OS X: Releases, Pretests & Nightlies.


Note: this document’s key chords are represented in emacs’ short-form style where a modifier key starts and a normal key follows. When a normal key is capitalized it implies using ⇧ Shift.

Modifier key / abbreviations legend:

C- ⌃ Control +
M- ⌥ Option +
s- ⌘ Command +
S- ⇧ Shift +
DEL ⌫ Backspace
ESC ⎋ Esc


C-f forward one character
C-b backward one character
M-f forward one word
M-b backward one word
M-e forward one sentence
M-a backward one sentence
C-e move to end of line
C-a move to beginning of line
M-m back-to-indentation
C-_ undo
C-d delete one character
M-d delete one word
C-x o other-window
C-x ^ enlarge-window (make taller)
C-x { shrink-window-horizontally (make narrower)
C-x } enlarge-window-horizontally (make wider)
C-x 0 delete-window
C-x 1 delete-other-windows
C-x + balance-windows (distribute width and height to fit)
C-l scroll window so that current line is at middle, top, or bottom
M-r position cursor according to recenter-positions
C-k kill-line from point to end of line
C-S-DEL kill-whole-line
C-y yank (aka paste)
M-y yank-pop to select different killed text from kill ring
M-g g goto line
C-c C-w toggle whitespace (web-mode only! web-mode-whitespaces-show)
s-=, and then follow prompts adjust text scale (zoom in / zoom out / zoom text / increase font size)
M-; comment / uncomment
M-x load-file load file (use to reload configuration)
C-x C-e evaluate expression
M-| execute shell command
C-g quit; toggle undo / redo
C-h l display last lossage-size characters typed ( view-lossage)
C-n move down one screen line (next-line)
C-p move up one screen line (previous-line)
C-v scroll forward; page down
M-v scroll backward; page up
C-SPC set mark and activate region ( set-mark-command)
C-u C-SPC move to previous mark (jump back to previous position)
C-x C-x exchange-point-and-mark
M-= count-words-region
C-q C-j newline (useful in minibuffer)
M-x rename-buffer rename buffer
M-x rename-uniquely rename buffer uniquely (appends digit)
s-+ zoom in / increase font size
s-- zoom out / increase font size
C-x C-v find alternate file
M-x toggle-truncate-lines toggle truncate lines / toggle line wrap / disable line wrap
C-u 1 M-x FUNCTION add a prefix argument to FUNCTION
C-o insert a blank line after the cursor (open-line)
C-x C-o delete all but one of many consecutive blank lines (delete-blank-lines)
C-x n n narrow-to-region
C-x n w widen
C-s isearch-forward
C-r isearch-backward
C-s C-s / C-r C-r repeat last search

Isearch (Incremental Search)

C-h C-h isearch-help-for-help
C-g isearch-abort; will back out any failing search string to last matched
M-n isearch-ring-advance
M-p isearch-ring-retreat
M-e isearch-edit-string
C-w isearch-yank-word-or-char appends the next character or word at point to the search string
C-q isearch-quote-char; useful for non-ascii characters


C-x SPC rectangle-mark-mode
C-x r k kill-rectangle
C-x r M-w copy-rectangle-as-kill
C-x r d delete-rectangle
C-x r y yank-rectangle
C-x r o open-rectangle (moves contents to the right)
C-x r c clear-rectangle
C-x C-x rectangle-exchange-point-and-mark

Common Operations

n Column Layout

C-x 3 split vertically (repeat n - 1 times)
C-x + balance-windows (distribute width and height to fit)

Frame Management

On Mac OS, a new frame will be created using native windowing.

C-x 5 2 create new frame
C-x 5 0 delete selected frame

Figuring Out What Went Wrong

Sometimes mistyped key combinations result in unexpected behavior. To help figure out what went wrong, consider:


ansi-term runs in character mode by default, making the buffer read-only. Switching to line mode allows copy and pasting to work more naturally.

C-c C-j enter line mode
C-c C-k enter character mode
C-x x r rename-buffer

Spell Check

Use M-x ispell-buffer to run a spell check on the selected buffer.

Reload init.el and apply changes to open buffers

make modifications to init.el
M-x load-file reload file
M-x ibuffer open ibuffer
/ f (optional) filter buffers by filename regexp
m with cursor on [ Default ] (optional) mark all filtered buffers
V revert all buffers (ensure saved!)

Remove Carriage Returns (^M) / Set file-coding-system

open buffer
C-x-RET-f set-buffer-file-coding-system
select utf-8-unix or other appropriate value
save buffer

This emacs.stackexchange.com answer explaining line endings is very helpful.

edit file as root

Prepend /sudo:: before a path, like when finding a file.

Record Keyboard Macro / Run Keyboard Macro

C-x ( start recording
perform the keystrokes / operations
C-x ) end recording
M-0 C-x e repeat macro until an error
C-x C-k n name the macro / save the macro
C-u 3 M-x NAME repeatedly execute macro NAME 3 times
open init.el and run: M-x insert-kbd-macro save the macro for the future
C-x C-k e edit macro kbd-edit-macro


Byte Recompile / Rebuild Packages for Emacs 28.4

find . -name "*.elc" -type f -delete delete all compiled elisp files
M-: eval
(byte-recompile-directory package-user-dir 0 'force) byte recompile all packages

Scroll / Advance by Half a Page

M-r position cursor according to recenter-positions
C-l C-l scroll window so that the current line is at the top

Documentation Lookup / Getting Help


C-h k describe-key; displays documentation for the function invoked by the key presses (defaults to current buffer)
C-h f describe-function; displays documentation for the passed function
C-h v describe-variable; displays documentation for the passed variable
C-h e view-echo-area-messages; displays the *Messages* buffer
C-h a apropos-command PATTERN; shows commands that match PATTERN
C-h i info; enter Info, the documentation browser
C-h r info-emacs-manual; displays the Emacs manual in Info
C-h m describe-mode; displays documentation of current major and minor modes
C-h b describe-bindings; displays a buffer showing a list of all defined keys, and their definitions
C-h t help-with-tutorial
C-h C-f view-emacs-FAQ
C-h w COMMAND where-is; show which keys run COMMAND
C-h o describe-symbol; displays documentation for the passed symbol
M-x man runs the man program, prompting for a topic to search for
describe-keymap KEYMAP describes the key bindings in KEYMAP

Help Mode

SPC scroll down; navigate to next node if at bottom (regardless of level)
DEL scroll up; navigate to previous node if at top (regardless of level)
PageDown scroll down
PageUp scroll up
↹ Tab move cursor to next cross reference or menu item



q quit
? show Info Help
h invoke the Info tutorial

Navigating Node Trees

n next node (at level)
p previous node (at level)
] next node (regardless of level)
[ previous node (regardless of level)
u up
t top
m pick menu item
l last node in history (i.e. browser back button)
r revisit node in history (i.e. browser forward button)
L view history
d directory
f follow a cross reference
↹ Tab move cursor to next cross reference or menu item
1...9 navigate to the ith menu item
g go to node by name
s search
i pick index item
I search virtual index item
M-n create a new independent Info buffer
C-u m or C-u g create a new independent Info buffer

Scrolling Nodes

SPC scroll down; navigate to next node if at bottom (regardless of level)
DEL scroll up; navigate to previous node if at top (regardless of level)
PageDown scroll down
PageUp scroll up
e scroll to end
b scroll to beginning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why are some asterisks in menu items colored differently than their peers?

These are the 3rd, 6th, and 9th items of a menu list and allow for visual distinction for easy access via their corresponding numeric keys.

From 2.4 ‘1’–‘9’ choose a menu subtopic by its number of the Info manual:

If your display supports multiple fonts, colors or underlining, and you are using Emacs’s Info mode to read Info files, the third, sixth and ninth menu items have a ‘*’ that stands out, either in color or in some other attribute, such as underline; this makes it easy to see at a glance which number to use for an item.

Searching and Replacement



M-c toggle case sensitivity


For use with replace-regexp.

Replace blank lines:


Advanced Features



dired is a mode for editing directory listings. It takes the output of the system’s GNU ls command (or, if not available, emulation through ls-lisp.el) and presents it in a read-only buffer for interaction. Customization is available through hooks listed in its *Help* buffer.


C-x d enter dired buffer
h help
? summary
a visit selection, killing the dired buffer; directories are visited in a new dired buffer
f visit selection, keeping the dired buffer; directories are visited in a new dired buffer
g read all currently expanded directories again; refresh
m mark
u unmark
U unmark all
Q dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace
C copy
R rename
d mark for deletion
D delete
S symlink

Common Operations

Bulk Edit Directoy
C-x d enter dired buffer
C-x C-q enter editing mode
perform edits
C-c C-c apply changes
C-c ESC or cancel
Find and Replace Text
C-x d enter dired buffer
m mark files to search
Q run find and replace on marked files
entire regexp and replacement
? choose whether to replace / exit / do something else



Mode for listing, sorting, filtering, and managing open buffers:

M-x ibuffer enter ibuffer
? display help
m mark buffer at point
u unmark buffer at point
V revert all marked buffers
U unmark all marked buffers
/ f filter buffers by filename regexp
/ / remove all filtering currently in effect (remove all filters)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I use ido to open multiple files at once?

I have not found a way to do so. Here is what I have found to work, using helm and helm-projectile:



command-log-mode is an add-on that makes it easy to show command and event history.


C-c o toggle the log window


C-c C-z start REPL
M-x geiser-restart-repl restart REPL
,q quit REPL
C-x C-e geiser-eval-last-sexp
C-u C-x C-e evaluate last sexp and insert result at point
C-M-x geiser-eval-definition
C-c M-e geiser-eval-definition-and-go
C-c C-r geiser-eval-region
C-c M-r geiser-eval-region-and-go
C-c C-b geiser-eval-buffer
C-c M-b geiser-eval-buffer-and-go

Helpful links:


Helpful links


M-x js-jsx-enable enable JSX support

More JSX info in this StackExchange answer.


LSP Mode - LSP support for Emacs


s-l r r Rename the symbol (and all references to it).
s-l g g Find definitions of the symbol under point. Jump to definition.
s-l g r Find references of the symbol under point.
s-l r o Perform the source.organizeImports code action, if available.
s-l w r lsp-workspace-restart - restart the workspace WORKSPACE and the language server associated with it
M-x lsp-describe-session Describe session; shows project roots
s-l F r lsp-workspace-folders-remove - remove folders from workspace
M-x lsp-workspace-folders-add Add folders to workspace

Full list of keybindings


lsp-mode not reading tsconfig.json
gopls errors

Try upgrading to the latest gopls:

go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest


GitHub code search results for Go configuration


Official magit documentation


C-x g open magit-popup
M-x magit-init Initialize a new repository
C-u C-x g Choose repository
Within magit-popup
b branch ( magit-branch)
f fetch ( magit-fetch)
m merge ( magit-merge)
F pull ( magit-pull)
P push ( magit-push)
o submodule ( magit-submodule)
y list branches ( magit-show-refs)

Common Operations

Add Remote Origin
C-x g open magit-popup
M open magit-remote-popup
a select ‘add’
origin add name
git@example.com:path/to/repo.git add repository address
Cloning a Repository
C-x g open magit-popup
C invoke magit-clone
Commit Message Editing
C-c C-c Finish editing session and create commit
C-c C-k Cancel editing session and cancel commit
t run magit-tag
t r create a new release tag
P t push all tags
Cloning a Repository at Tag
clone the repository
open a file
C-x g open magit-popup
b b use magit-checkout
enter tag name
Diffing Between Two Commits
l l get the sha values you wish to diff (e.g. through inspecting the log)
d open magit-diff
specify options, like limiting to specific file
r specify range (e.g. HEAD..8637c28)
Restoring file(s) from a commit

Note: I do not yet know how to restore an entire directory at once—workaround is just to restore each file one by one.

gather the SHA1 or ref you wish to restore from
X open magit-reset
f select a file
enter commit SHA1 or tag, followed by filepath

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between upstream and pushRemote?


we use the following terminology:

This is a semantic distinction that helps organize development: if upstream and pushRemote are always the same there is no need to set both. My personal preference is to always configure pushRemote because the keybindings feel more natural.

Read The Two Remotes from the official documentation.

What is a release tag?

I do not exactly know, but reading the tagging docs indicates that it is a normal tag that magit runs through magit-release-tag-regexp to ensure a consistent numbering scheme.



C-s S-DOWN insert a row above the current row

Official Documentation


M-x mc/mark-all-in-region prompt for a string to match in region






M-x prettier-js run prettier on current file




s-p p open project
s-p q switch project
s-f find file in project
M-x projectile-discover-projects-in-directory discover projects in directory
M-x projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path discover projects in search path (path specified via config)
M-x projectile-cleanup-known-projects remove known projects that don’t exist anymore
M-x projectile-clear-known-projects clear known projects
M-x projectile-invalidate-cache clear cache
M-x projectile-kill-buffers close all buffers associated with a project

Problems and Solutions

problem solution
deleted / removed file still being found M-x projectile-invalidate-cache
grepped-for string not being found ensure that all files are tracked by git
deleted project still showing up in project switcher M-x projectile-cleanup-known-projects
old / irrelevant / no longer needed project still showing up in the project switcher option 1: (completely removes all projects and starts again from scratch) M-x projectile-clear-known-projects
option 2: M-x projectile-remove-known-project
option 3: (if you are currently visiting a buffer within the project) M-x projectile-remove-current-project-from-known-projects



C-x C-e evaluate expression
C-c C-l load file


Official purcell/sqlformat GitHub repo.


M-x sqlformat-on-save-mode disable / enable automatic format on save



C-c C-e i insert HTML element
C-c C-s insert snippet
C-c C-f fold or unfold
M-; insert HTML comment




M-x yas-new-snippet create new snippet
M-x yas-recompile-all recompile all snippets
M-x yas-reload-all reload all snippets

Selected Authoring Functions

yas-choose-value (&rest possibilities) allows you to choose from a predefined list
yas-auto-next automatically moves to the next input after entry

Selected Interactive Functions

yas-reload-all reloads all snippets and clears any miscreated snippets


A snippet file named now that returns a double-quoted and formatted time:

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: now
# key: now
# --
"`(format-time-string "%F @ %R %z")`"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I restarted emacs and snippets no longer reflect the changes I made last session but are present in the snippet file—what gives?

It is possible emacs is reading a stale compiled snippets file. The fix is to M-x yas-recompile-all and M-x yas-reload-all.


Package Management

For use with MELPA or others.


M-x list-packages list packages
M-x package-refresh-contents refresh contents

Custom Behavior

Specific to my init.el:

escape-html HTML escapes the text in region
unescape-html HTML unescapes the text in region
M-p move line of text up / move text up / move line up
M-n move line of text down / move text down / move line down
C-c t toggle typopunct-mode (for curly quotes and apostrophes)

Emacs Lisp (elisp)

elisp Formatting

Times and Dates

Format strings, for use with format-time-string:

%F the ISO 8601 date format: 2006-01-02
%R synonym for %H:%M: 15:04


(format-time-string "%F @ %R %z" (date-to-time "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST") "MST")
"2006-01-02 @ 15:04 -0700"

(format-time-string "%Y-W%W %a %b %d" (date-to-time "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST") "MST")
"2006-W01 Mon Jan 02"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I add emacs to Automation permissions under Privacy & Security?

Use osascript from within emacs to request the permission:

Emacs Terminology

mapping a key to a command
the text or other graphics you are editing or viewing
buffer, current buffer
buffer displayed in the selected window
buffer, indirect buffer
a buffer that shares the contents of another base buffer
control characters
definition todo. such as RET, TAB, DEL, ESC, F1, Home, and LEFT
delete / deleting / deletion
erasing text and not saving it in the kill ring
echo area
(area at the bottom of the frame) where informative messages are displayed and where you enter information when Emacs asks for it
displaying the characters of a multi-character command as you type
how text is displayed
minor mode that makes two windows, both sharing the same buffer, scroll as a single tall virtual window
font lock mode
a minor mode which assigns faces to the text in the buffer; the buffer's major mode tells Font Lock mode which text to fontify (e.g. a programming language mode telling which text are comments or function names).
a graphical window or terminal screen occupied by Emacs

refers to the MacOS window that emacs is running in

graphic character
a character that can be typed by pressing the associated key
input events
keyboard and mouse presses
key sequence, key, key chord
a sequence of input events that is meaningful as a unit
key, complete key
a key sequence that invokes a command
key, prefix key
a key sequence that does not itself invoke a command
the bindings between keys and commands
kill / killing
erasing text and copying it into the kill ring; aka cutting
special-purpose buffer where emacs reads compilicated arguments (file names, buffer names, command names, lisp expressions, etc)
mode line
the last line of the window ... (that) displays various information about what is going on in the buffer, such as whether there are unsaved changes, the editing modes that are in use, the current line number, and so forth
modifier keys
keys like Control and Meta that change the bahvior of other keys
editing a buffer is restricted to only a portion of its text; focusing in on some portion of the buffer, making the rest temporarily inaccessible
numeric argument / prefix argument
typed before a command
the cursor in the selected window (which) shows the location where most editing commands take effect
regular expression
the text between point and the mark
compartments where you can save text, rectangles, positions, and other things for later use
ring, kill ring
cyclical area that stores killed text; visualizable as blocks of text arranged into a ring, accessible in cyclic order
UI element within the window on graphical displays that allows scrolling of the buffer
tool bar
a row of icons (below the menu bar) that perform editing commands when you click on them
read a file and prepare a buffer containing a copy of the file's contents
canceling narrowing, making the entire buffer once again accessible
the main area of the frame, below the tool bar (if one exists) and above the echo area
yank / yanking
bringing text from the kill ring back into the buffer; aka pasting; reinserting text previously killed
