Redux Knowledge

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My Redux knowledge base explaining an overview, its core idea, and key concepts.



Redux is a JavaScript library for application state management. It brings together concepts from functional programming (reduce, immutable data) and message passing (actions, dispatch) to provide a framework that is predictable in operation but still extensible.

Core Idea

Redux is, in essence, the following pseudo-code:

newState = actions.reduce((state, action) => { /* reducer code */ }, oldState)

In this case actions are dynamically populated via calls to dispatch() and (state, action) => {} represents the reducer code that takes the old state and the current action to return a new state.

So why do this?

Key Concepts


A store contains the application state, represented as a plain JavaScript object.


Actions are messages passed via dispatch() that affect application state. They may contain a payload of data and each will be presented sequentially to a reducer for processing.

Actions should decouple “what happened” from “how the state changes”.


Importable function that take an action and queues it for processing by reducers.


Reducers are functions that take the current state and an action, returning a new, possibly changed, state. The changes performed are based on the logic of your application with respect to the action dispatched.

Reducers must:

(Pseudo) Immutability

Redux requires that a new state object is returned from reducers. Redux Toolkit addresses this issue by using Immer under the hood. Mutation is not permitted because, in addition to going against the core framework value of predictability, it would make it very difficult for Redux to determine what changes to state actually occurred. These change notifications are what drive integrations like those with React to then trigger UI updates.

Redux Terminology

a message containing a “payload”
function for passing actions to be processed by reducers
the JavaScript object passed via an “action” which will be processed by the reducers
the function that accepts previous state and an action, returning a new state that, if needed, updates the store
(Redux Toolkit) a convenience wrapper bundling a store, reducers, and actions; represents the entire stack of a specific segment of application state
refers to a literal “slice” of data; can be thought of a way of segmenting state into multiple distinct pieces
an object containing a “plain JavaScript” object representing the state of the application