Go (Programming Language) Knowledge

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My Go knowledge base that evolves as I learn more.



The Go programming language is a statically typed, compiled, strongly typed language focused on simplicity, reliability, and efficiency. In particular, Go attempts to make concurrent programming easier and more robust by offerring facilities like goroutines and channels built into the language.

Core Idea

The Go programming language and its tooling should provide a solid foundation upon which to build concurrent programs.

Key Concepts


Programmer Effectiveness

The Language

Types, Pointers, and Values

&, the address-of operator

Note: the Go Language Specification section on address operators covers this in depth.


x := []int{0, 1}
fmt.Printf("%T\n", x)   // prints `[]int`
fmt.Printf("%T\n", &x)  // prints `*[]int`
fmt.Printf("%T\n", *&x) // prints `[]int`

&x is read as “taking the address” of x and, given that the type of x is a slice of type []int, it returns a pointer of the type *[]int.

The address-of operator only works on things that are addressable, like variables, so it does not work in certain situations:

c := &make([]int, 1, 2) // invalid
d := &fmt.Sprint("whoops") // invalid

but the composite literal syntax:

type Point struct{ x, y int }
d := &Point{1, 2} // valid!

is an exception, and the explanation is covered in the Go Language Specification section on composite literals (tl;dr it creates a variable behind the scenes).

*, the indirection operator

Note: the Go Language Specification section on address operators covers this in depth.

Consider the following code:

var y *[]int
y = &[]int{2, 3}
fmt.Printf("%T\n", y)  // prints `*[]int`
fmt.Printf("%T\n", *y) // prints `[]int`

Note that * has two separate uses:

When * is used as an indirection operator, like in *y, it can be thought of as saying “give me the value at the address y”. It is equivalent to state that * dereferences the pointer y.


Modules are how Go distributes code. Modules are collections of related Go packages that are released together.

A source file contains useful code. That useful code is grouped with related code into a package. One or more related packages are grouped into a module. A module can then be imported and used / applied in the service of another module. A go.mod file informs the Go tooling on how to build the module, including how to find the location of its dependencies.

By metaphor:

go.mod specifies dependencies:

Note: if you publish a module, the module path must be downloadable by Go tools.