Envoy Knowledge

Kip Landergren

(Updated: )

My Envoy knowledge base explaining an overview, the core idea, and key concepts.



Envoy was born out of a few intertwining needs:

And what was created boils down to:

Core Idea

Make network transparent to applications.

Key Concepts


big ideas:

here is how it works:

envoy can also be configured as a strict TCP proxy where all TCP traffic is passed through.

On configuration:



Network-Level Filters

HTTP Filters

Route Tables

A component of Filters that matches the route for a filter.

configuration as a service

evidently envoy can be configured to talk to a configuration service rather than rely on files?

Cluster Manager

HTTP Connection Manager

xDS (* Discovery Service)

Cluster Discovery Service (CDS)

Service Discovery

gRPC support

gRPC-web support

Envoy Terminology

an entity that connects to Envoy, sends requests, and receives responses
an entity that receives connections and requests from Envoy and returns responses